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19 Maggio 2010
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Soft Solutions: la nuova versione di 4Sight Fax, più performante e più completa!

4-Sight FAX 7.5

Building bridges for unlimited access while increasing flexibility and control

Atlanta, GA ---- May 18, 2010
Soft Solutions, Inc., announces the upcoming release of 4-Sight FAX 7.5, the latest version of the company’s powerful fax server software. Recognizing the inherent value in on-line Internet fax options, the new software will include an expanded Email Suite providing in-depth email-to-fax and SMS text capabilities. Fax sending options are improved with the newly integrated Client/Server address book synchronization and PDF support for fax cover pages. Current users will appreciate the speed improvements, an increased number of text and email custom notification options and a more cost-effective license plan, bundling the productive email suite improvements within the base license.

4-Sight FAX 7.5, equipped to lead the way with Internet fax capabilities, provides more enhanced features and functionalities. Unlike current Internet fax services, the in-house fax server provides complete control with encrypted log-in security. Because companies are not held captive to third party pricing, there need not be any limits on fax volume, the number of recipients or the number of attachments per fax. The potential savings are enormous, because users are not charged per fax sent. The upgraded server communication libraries provide a significant improvement in product reliability and performance, with speeds up to 400% faster.

The new, innovative browser-based web client gives end-users direct access to sending and viewing faxes from any web browser or web-enabled handheld device. Customized for 10 different languages, users can access their faxes with the single click of a hyperlink, from both emails and SMS text notifications from any web-enabled cell phone.

Due to the strong demand for fax automation in medical, manufacturing and service industries, an important objective in the new release was providing greater control and flexibility to both developers and end-users. Improving workflow options, the new custom save preferences allow incoming faxes to be saved to any FAX server folder. By removing print driver requirements, FaxPack 7.5.1 enables Filemaker Pro and 4th Dimension applications to send PDF, PNG and TIFF files directly to the FAX server, eliminating steps and saving time. With the introduction of several new FaxPack plug-in and FAX server API commands, developers can access the industry’s most extensible and feature-rich API available.

With the fully email accessible 7.5 FAX server, all incoming faxes can be automatically forwarded to users via email or as an SMS text message while the FAX server also doubles as an efficient outgoing email-to-fax processor. Based on customer input, version 7.5 will provide synchronized and interchangeable 4-Sight FAX Client and Server address books, simplifying office operations and reducing redundancy.

Also available in version 7.5 is an updated on-line Help system, 64-bit Macintosh/Windows print driver compatibility, and easy, built-in communications with the Soft Solutions Support Team. With the new FAX server and client integrated email support, customers can provide quick input into a support dialog while automatically attaching all necessary log files for improved customer assistance.

Prior to the commercial release of version 7.5, customers who order version 7 will automatically receive version 7.5 at no additional charge. Additionally, those customers who order the Annual Update and Support plan under version 7 will receive 13 months versus 12 months.


  1. Email-to-fax capabilities (Email Suite will now become a standard part of the baseline v7.5 product offering.) 
  2. FAX Server Communications update, providing fax queue and fax load times 2 - 5 times faster. 
  3. Text notification for incoming, sent and failed faxes.
  4. 4-Sight FAX Web client.
  5. Cover Page support for PDF files.
  6. Customized message notification options.
  7. FAX Client and Server built-in technical support (automated file collection and sending to SSI technical support).
  8. Client / Server address book synchronization.
  9. User designated personal save folder for incoming faxes.
  10. 64 bit Mac/Win Print Driver capability.
  11. Updated API with new Plug-in commands.
  12. Updated On-line Help System.

 Clicca qui per accedere al catalogo completo delle soluzioni Soft Solutions.

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