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27 Giugno 2019 ore 10:00, Online

Stormshield - Stormshield: Reduce the risks of cyber attacks with proactive network protection

In this new webinar, Marco Genovese, Product Manager Stormshield, will share with you the benefits of effective intrusion prevention. A Stormshield solution, to be discovered in 30 minutes chrono.

The IT networks of companies and local authorities are a prime target for cyberattacks. Such attacks seek to exploit the slightest security flaws to circulate malware or to steal data. Prevention, protection and reaction are the first lines of defence against these cyberattacks. Discover these aspects in this first series of three webinars presenting the benefits of Stormshield Network Security solutions to manage the complete life cycle of cyber threats.


If your applications or operating systems are not updated or can no longer be, they automatically represent a vulnerability in your security policy. At a time when infrastructure is constantly changing, checking that all staff have applied the latest updates can be a challenge. In this case, the deployment of a network security solution can provide your first layer of protection. At the same time, to ensure optimal performance and to be able to tackle recent vulnerabilities and unknown threats, this peripheral protection requires the use of proactive technology.

Learn how to make the most of the full potential offered by Stormshield Network Security’s solutions in just 30 minutes.

SCARICA L'ALLEGATO: Brochure Network Security (3.34 MB)
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