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20 Giugno 2019, Online

Stormshield - Stormshield: Small stories about OT network

Destinato al personale tecnico e commerciale del rivenditore
In a series of three webinars, Stormshield shares its experience of the industrial world, explaining its different characteristics, the main challenges and the solutions regarding the security of these networks.

The industrial world in the age of cyberthreats

A series of webinars with an expert in industrial cybersecurity

In the industry of the future, operational technology (OT) is set to undergo profound change through its convergence with information technology (IT). This necessary change is made all the more difficult due to the profound functional differences between these two forms of network and the way they are managed. At the same time, this convergence is also being accompanied by an increase in cyberthreats.

In a series of three webinars, Stormshield shares its experience of the industrial world, explaining its different characteristics, the main challenges and the solutions regarding the security of these networks.

Webinar #2 – A brief history of operational technology risks

Although the isolation and complexity of industrial infrastructure proved a useful obstacle to cyberattacks until recently, the adoption of information technology has now changed this. Operational technology is now increasingly being targeted by cyberattacks. The increasing media coverage surrounding such attacks clearly demonstrates their effectiveness. It’s official: operational technology networks are exposed and accessible. Risks concerning productivity, the environment or human lives are increasing as a consequence.

Through a look back at recent history, come along and (re)learn how to assess the attack vectors and attack surfaces of an operational technology network. Discover Stormshield’s expertise with operational technology in just 30 minutes.

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