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Alias Distribuisce SonicWALL. Le categorie di SonicWALL sono: PROMOZIONE: Bigger and Better 3&FreePROMOZIONE: 3&Free (solo da TZ Gen5, SOHO, SOHO250 e TZ300 a TZ270)PROMOZIONE: Switch to SonicWall SMB (solo terze parti a TZ270)PROGRAMMA TotalSecurePROGRAMMA Secure Upgrade PlusFIREWALL UTM: Serie TZFIREWALL UTM: Serie NSAFIREWALL UTM: Serie Virtual (NSv)FIREWALL UTM: Serie NSsp / SuperMassiveEMAIL-SECURITY: ApplianceEMAIL-SECURITY: TotalSecure / Advanced TotalSecureEMAIL-SECURITY: Compliance/Encryption SubscriptionEMAIL-SECURITY: Capture Advanced Threat ProtectionEMAIL-SECURITY: Remote Analyzer hardware maintenanceHOSTED EMAIL-SECURITY: SottoscrizioneHOSTED EMAIL-SECURITY: EncryptionCLOUD APP SECURITYSMA: ApplianceSMA: User Band LicensesSMA: Add-OnSMA: Appliance Upgrade OptionsSMA: Spike License PackCLOUD SECURE EDGEWIRELESS: SonicWaveWIRELESS: Security Service / Supporto 24x7WIRELESS: AccessoriSWITCHSWITCH: ManagementWXA: Wan AccelerationMODULI: schede di espansioneACCESSORI/RICAMBISOFTWARE: Client-to-Site VPN (GVC Client, SSL-VPN Client) - NO PER SECAASSOFTWARE: Gestione e Reportistica on-premise (Analytics, GMS, CMS,NSM)SOFTWARE: Gestione e Reportistica CloudSOFTWARE: Capture ClientPROGRAMMA: Capture Client Competitive DisplacementSERVIZI: SonicProtect bundleSERVIZI: Essential Protection Service SuiteSERVIZI: Advanced Protection Service SuiteSERVIZI: Advanced Gateway Security SuiteSERVIZI: Comprehensive Gateway Security SuiteSERVIZI: DNS Filtering ServiceSERVIZI: Capture Advanced Threat ProtectionSERVIZI: Gateway Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, IPS, App. Intelligence & ControlSERVIZI: DPI-SSL UpgradeSERVIZI: Content Filtering Premium/Local CFS/ClientSERVIZI: Stateful HA Failover - SonicOS Expanded - H/A ConversionSERVIZI: Comprehensive AntiSpam Service (for UTM)SUPPORTO: Dynamic Support 8x5SUPPORTO: Dynamic Support 24x7SUPPORTO: Supporto Base SGMS - solo softwareSUPPORTO: Supporto Completo SGMS - software + nodi gestitiCorsi, Certificazioni e Professional ServiceProdotti NFR - Not For Resale
© Alias S.r.l. 2024. Tutti i diritti riservati. Sede Legale: Via San Francesco, 2 - 33100 Udine
Capitale sociale Euro 62.400,00 i.v., C.F. / P.IVA 01837180304, Iscrizione C.C.I.A.A. Registro Imprese di UDINE n. 01837180304
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